The ReferenceBundle is tasked with tracking references among entities within the application. It enables developers and maintainers to quickly determine the relationships between entities and understand the manner and location in which an entity is utilized. Presently, the ReferenceBundle is capable of monitoring the usage of Snippets and Media within PHPCR entities such as pages and snippets. These references are managed distinctly for the draft state within the admin context and the live state within the website context.
The main reason we need this bundle is that, unlike traditional database references, our content management system operates on an unstructured data model. Therefore, we cannot rely solely on database references, which are usually preferred. It is essential to note that the ReferenceBundle should only be used for unstructured data, where database relations are not feasible.
Content maintainers are able to see the references to a specific entity in the Insights tab of an entity like Snippet.
Refresh references¶
The references are automatically updated upon saving an entity. You also have the option to manually update the references by executing the bin/console sulu:reference:refresh command. This command optionally accepts the <resource-key> argument. When this argument is provided, only the references for the specified resource key will be refreshed.
bin/console sulu:reference:refresh <resource-key>
Please note that references are only refreshed for the current context. To refresh the references for both the admin and website contexts, you will need to execute the command twice via the bin/adminconsole and the bin/websiteconsole.
Integrating references for custom content-types¶
To integrate the ReferenceBundle for custom content-types, you need to implement the ReferenceContentTypeInterface in your content-type class. The interface requires you to implement the getReferences method. The method already receives the ReferenceCollector which you can use to add references to the collector.
Example implementation for a custom content-type:
public function getReferences(PropertyInterface $property, ReferenceCollectorInterface $referenceCollector, string $propertyPrefix = ''): void
$data = $property->getValue();
if (!\is_array($data) || !isset($data['id'])) {
(string) $data['id'],
$propertyPrefix . $property->getName()
Extending the Admin View with a References Table¶
To extend the admin view by adding a references table, follow these steps:
Inject the ReferenceViewBuilderFactoryInterface: Inject this interface into your custom Admin class. This will allow you to utilize the necessary methods to create the references view.
Create the Reference List View: Use the createReferenceListViewBuilder method to create the list view for the references table.
Here’s an example implementation from the SnippetAdmin class, demonstrating how to add the references tab to your custom admin view:
if ($this->referenceViewBuilderFactory->hasReferenceListPermission()) {
$insightsResourceTabViewName . '.reference',
The hasReferenceListPermission method ensures that the current user has permission to view the references list. The createReferenceListViewBuilder method is used to create the view. It takes three parameters:
The name of the new view, usually appended with .reference to indicate it is a reference view.
The URL path for the references table.
The resource key identifies the type of resource being referenced.
The setParent method sets the parent view to integrate the references table into the existing admin view.