
The PreviewBundle implements the preview feature for pages and custom entities.

The bundle is built to be compatible with the RouteBundle. For custom entities, the RouteDefaultsProvider will be used to determine which controller should be used to render the HTML of an entity.


The PreviewBundle allows for the following configuration:

# config/packages/sulu_admin.yaml
    mode: 'auto' # can be set to 'off' to disable the preview
    cache_adapter: '' # where the preview cache is stored


The PreviewObjectProvider is the interface which will be used to load, bind and de/serialize the object.


namespace Event\Preview;

use Sulu\Bundle\PreviewBundle\Preview\Object\PreviewObjectProviderInterface;

class EventObjectProvider implements PreviewObjectProviderInterface
    public function getObject($id, $locale)
        return ...; // load the object by id

    public function getId($object)
        return $object->getId();

    public function setValues($object, $locale, array $data)
        ... // bind data-array to the object

    public function setContext($object, $locale, array $context)
        ... // context change is for example a template change (e.g. in pages or articles)

    public function serialize($object)
        return serialize($object);

    public function deserialize($serializedObject, $objectClass)
        return unserialize($serializedObject);

    public function getSecurityContext($id, $locale): ?string
        return null; // the security context used in the admin class for this object

Afterwards the services has to be registered using this class and the tag <tag name=”sulu_preview.object_provider” provider-key=”events”/>.


In order to display the preview in our form, we have to make use of the PreviewFormViewBuilder in the Admin class.


For more information about Admin Class take a look at Extend Admin UI.


namespace App\Admin;

use App\Entity\Event;
use Sulu\Bundle\AdminBundle\Admin\Admin;
use Sulu\Bundle\AdminBundle\Admin\View\ToolbarAction;
use Sulu\Bundle\AdminBundle\Admin\View\ViewBuilderFactoryInterface;
use Sulu\Bundle\AdminBundle\Admin\View\ViewCollection;

class EventAdmin extends Admin
    const EVENT_FORM_KEY = 'event_details';
    const EVENT_EDIT_FORM_VIEW = 'app.event_edit_form';

    public function __construct(private ViewBuilderFactoryInterface $viewBuilderFactory)

    public function configureViews(ViewCollection $viewCollection): void
        $editFormView = $this->viewBuilderFactory
            ->createResourceTabViewBuilder(static::EVENT_EDIT_FORM_VIEW, '/events/:id')


        $editDetailsFormView = $this->viewBuilderFactory
            ->createPreviewFormViewBuilder(static::EVENT_EDIT_FORM_VIEW . '.details', '/details')
            ->setPreviewCondition('id != null') // this is an optional condition when the preview should be shown
            ->addToolbarActions([new ToolbarAction(''), new ToolbarAction('sulu_admin.delete')])


Preview Cache

The preview use a cache to improve its performance. By default it will use the configured symfony adapter.

You can configure other adapter the following way:

# config/packages/sulu_admin.yaml
    cache_adapter: "" # symfony cache adapter id

For example if you want to use redis you can do it this way:

# config/packages/sulu_admin.yaml
    cache_adapter: "cache.adapter.redis"

        default_redis_provider: 'redis://localhost' # this is default and not needed

If you are in a multi server setup its recommended to set the whole in your config/packages/cache.yaml to a central cache like redis.

# config/packages/cache.yaml
        default_redis_provider: '%env(REDIS_CACHE)%' # REDIS_CACHE can be set in your .env files
        app: cache.adapter.redis
        # prefix_seed: 'my_project_%kernel.environment%' # unique name for the project installation to avoid cache conflicts between multiple installations

Read more about it in the Symfony Cache Documentation.