System-Collections are special collections which are not editable, deletable or movable. Apart from that they can be used like all other collections.
The System takes care of creating and upgrading them. Each bundle can request them, to save there images like avatar or logos in the contact section.
Because of the usage of the configuration tree also the App itself can register system collection and use them.
# system collection
en: 'My Collection'
de: 'Meine Sammlung'
# optional you can also configure sub collections
en: 'Child Collection'
de: 'Kindsammlung'
This structure will be used to create a Collection Structure like this:
|--> My Collection
| |--> Child Collection
If you want to register a system collection in a bundle, you can use the PrependExtensionInterface of Symfony to prepend the respective configuration:
class ClientWebsiteExtension extends Extension implements PrependExtensionInterface
* {@inheritdoc}
public function prepend(ContainerBuilder $container)
if ($container->hasExtension('sulu_media')) {
'system_collections' => [
'my_key' => [
'meta_title' => [
'en' => 'Bundle Collection',
'de' => 'Bundle Sammlung',
'collections' => [
'my_child' => [
'meta_title' => [
'en' => 'Child Collection',
'de' => 'Kindsammlung',
* {@inheritdoc}
public function load(array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container)
To use this new Collection you can use the sulu_media.system_collections.manager (SuluComponentMediaSystemCollectionsSystemCollectionManagerInterface) service. The service will create the new collection on the first access of the collection.
// to get id of system collection
// to get id of a child system collection
// to determine if id is a system collection (e.g. validation)
The key of sub collection is a combination with the parent key so its parent_key.child_key e.g.: my_key.my_child_key.