How to implement an entity extensible?

Sulu uses the PersistenceBundle to provide an easy way to replace or extend entities. In this tutorial we will implement our own extensible book entity.

1. Entity

We will start with the entity itself. Our extensible entity builds up upon two classes:


(Sulu\Bundle\BookBundle\Entity\BookInterface, Interface)

Defines the Interface of our entity and is used as type for variables of the entity. Every entity which extends or replaces our book entity must implement this interface to ensure compatibility with the rest of the system.


(Sulu\Bundle\BookBundle\Entity\Book, implements BookInterface)

Implements the book entity and is the base class for extending the entity. This class is our default entity implementation and is mapped as mapped-superclass in Book.orm.xml.


To ensure full exchangeability, it is mandatory to use BookInterface as type of every variable, doctrine relationship and other usage of our book entity.

2. Repository

Additionally to our entity classes, we need two repository classes to handle our entities:


(Sulu\Bundle\BookBundle\Entity\BookRepositoryInterface, Interface, extends RepositoryInterface)

Defines the Interface of our repository and is used as type for variables of the BookRepository. An interface for an extensible entity extends the RepositoryInterface of the PersistenceBundle.

The RepositoryInterface defines a createNew() method which must be used to create new instances of an entity instead of the constructor. It is necessary to use the method of the repository for instance creation, to avoid creating instances of wrong entity implementations when the entity implementation is changed.


(Sulu\Bundle\BookBundle\Entity\BookRepository, implements BookRepositoryInterface, optionally extends EntityRepository)

Implements the concrete repository for our entity. It is recommended that this class extends the EntityRepository class of the PersistenceBundle, which implements a dynamic createNew() method and will always return a new instance of the currently configured entity implementation.


To ensure full exchangeability, it is mandatory to use BookRepositoryInterface as type of every variable which holds an instance of our BookRepository.

3. Configuration

Finally we need to adjust three configuration files to register our entity as extensible.

After configuration, the PersistenceBundle will automatically set the following parameters/services to our container:

  • currently set entity implementation (Parameter)

  • currently set repository implementation (Service)

  • SuluBundleBookBundleEntityBookRepositoryInterface: alias for the currently set repository implementation (Service)


In the Configuration.php file we set our default entity and repository implementation. These implementations are used if no other bundle replaces or extends our entity. We implemented the class Book as our default entity and the class BookRepository as our default repository, therefore our configuration looks something like the following code block.

class Configuration implements ConfigurationInterface
    public function getConfigTreeBuilder()
        $treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder();
        $rootNode = $treeBuilder->root('sulu_book')

        return $treeBuilder;

This results in the configuration path for the model class and for the repository class. These paths can be used to overwrite the used implementations.


In the SuluBookExtension.php file we need to read the set configuration and define and map the respective services to the container. Additionally, we add the repository interface as alias for the configured repository implementation to make the repository autowireable. We use the already implemented configurePersistence() method of the PersistenceExtensionTrait class and the and the addAliases() method of the ContainerBuilder to do this. Therefore our SuluBookExtension.php will look something like this:

class SuluBookExtension extends Extension
    use PersistenceExtensionTrait;

    public function load(array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container)
        $configuration = new Configuration();
        $config = $this->processConfiguration($configuration, $configs);
        $this->configurePersistence($config['objects'], $container);
                'Sulu\Bundle\BookBundle\Entity\BookRepositoryInterface' => '',


In the SuluBookBundle.php file we need to add a compiler pass to automatically resolve our interface to the configured entity implementation when used in a doctrine mapping. To do this, we use the already implemented buildPersistence() method of the PersistenceBundleTrait class. After this our SuluBookBundle.php will look something like this:

class SuluBookBundle extends Bundle
    use PersistenceBundleTrait;

    public function build(ContainerBuilder $container)
                'Sulu\Bundle\BookBundle\Entity\BookInterface' => '',