Custom HandlerΒΆ

A custom handler provides functionality which can be scheduled with the automation-tab (see Integration into custom module). The handler can implement custom logic based on the connected entity (e.g. publish or remove page).

To use a handler in the automation tab it has to implement the interface AutomationTaskHandlerInterface which extends the TaskHandlerInterface from php-task.


namespace AppBundle\Automation;

use AppBundle\Entity\NewsItem;
use Sulu\Bundle\AutomationBundle\TaskHandler\AutomationTaskHandlerInterface;
use Sulu\Bundle\AutomationBundle\TaskHandler\TaskHandlerConfiguration;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver;

class PublishHandler implements AutomationTaskHandlerInterface
     * This function will be called inside the task:run command
     * when a scheduled task elapses.
     * @param array $workload
     * @return string|\Serializable as the result of this handler.
    public function handle($workload)
        $id = $workload['id'];
        $locale = $workload['locale'];

        // TODO implement custom logic

     * The given OptionsResolver will be used to validate the workload
     * before scheduling the task.
     * @param OptionsResolver $optionsResolver
     * @return OptionsResolver
    public function configureOptionsResolver(OptionsResolver $optionsResolver)
        return $optionsResolver
            ->setRequired(['id', 'locale'])
            ->setAllowedTypes('id', 'string')
            ->setAllowedTypes('locale', 'string');

     * Returns true if handler supports given class.
     * @param string $entityClass
     * @return bool
    public function supports($entityClass)
        return $entityClass === NewsItem::class
            || is_subclass_of($entityClass, NewsItem::class);

     * Returns the configuration for this handler.
     * @return TaskHandlerConfiguration
    public function getConfiguration()
        // The first parameter will be used as translation key in the
        // frontend
        return TaskHandlerConfiguration::create('app.publish');
<service id="app.automation.publish_handler" class="AppBundle\Automation\PublishHandler">
    <tag name="task.handler"/>


If you integrate this into a public bundle you should check the existence of the AutomationBundle in your extension and omit this definition if it is not registered.

This handler will now be selectable in the automation-tab of the NewsItem.
