
If you want to display different content on the same URL based on some characteristics of the visitor, you can use the AudienceTargetingBundle for that.

It allows the content manager to define the audience target groups on his own. Each target group has one or multiple rules, which are used to determine the target group of the visitor.


Enable the bundle in app/AbstractKernel.php:

abstract class AbstractKernel extends SuluKernel
    // ...

    public function reigsterBundles()
        $bundles = [
            // ...
            new Sulu\Bundle\AudienceTargetingBundle\SuluAudienceTargetingBundle(),

        return $bundles;

Add the routes for the administration interface to the routing configuration file (app/config/admin/routing.yml):

# ...
    resource: "@SuluAudienceTargetingBundle/Resources/config/routing.xml"
    prefix: /admin/target-groups

    resource: "@SuluAudienceTargetingBundle/Resources/config/routing_api.xml"
    prefix: /admin/api

And the routes for the website in the corresponding configuration file (app/config/website/routing.yml):

# ...
    resource: "@SuluAudienceTargetingBundle/Resources/config/routing_website.xml"

Finally the cache has to be correctly configured. You have the choice between the Symfony Cache and Varnish.

For the Symfony cache the front controller for the website at web/website.php has to be told to make use of the user context feature. You do that by uncommenting the line with the WebsiteCache and adding true as a second parameter:

$kernel = new WebsiteCache($kernel, true);

If you want to use the more powerful Varnish instead, you have to install it on your machine and configure it using a VCL. The following example can be used for that, however, it requires the header module, which comes with the varnish-modules package.

vcl 4.0;

import header;

backend default {
    .host = "";
    .port = "8001";

sub vcl_recv {
    if (req.http.Cookie ~ "_svtg" && req.http.Cookie ~ "_svs") {
        set req.http.X-Sulu-Target-Group = regsub(req.http.Cookie, ".*_svtg=([^;]+).*", "\1");
    } elseif (req.restarts == 0) {
        set req.http.X-Sulu-Original-Url = req.url;
        set req.http.X-Sulu-Target-Group = regsub(req.http.Cookie, ".*_svtg=([^;]+).*", "\1");
        set req.url = "/_sulu_target_group";
    } elseif (req.restarts > 0) {
        set req.url = req.http.X-Sulu-Original-Url;
        unset req.http.X-Sulu-Original-Url;

    unset req.http.Cookie;

sub vcl_deliver {
    if (resp.http.X-Sulu-Target-Group) {
        set req.http.X-Sulu-Target-Group = resp.http.X-Sulu-Target-Group;
        set req.http.Set-Cookie = "_svtg=" + resp.http.X-Sulu-Target-Group + "; expires=Tue, 19 Jan 2038 03:14:07 GMT; path=/;";

        return (restart);

    if (resp.http.Vary ~ "X-Sulu-Target-Group") {
        set resp.http.Cache-Control = regsub(resp.http.Cache-Control, "max-age=(\d+)", "max-age=0");
        set resp.http.Cache-Control = regsub(resp.http.Cache-Control, "s-maxage=(\d+)", "s-maxage=0");

    if (req.http.Set-Cookie) {
        set resp.http.Set-Cookie = req.http.Set-Cookie;
        header.append(resp.http.Set-Cookie, "_svs=" + now + "; path=/;");

Finally you have to make sure that the bundle is correctly recognized by Symfony. This includes the following steps:

  • Clear the Symfony cache with the cache:clear command or manually deleting the cache folder

  • Rebuild the translations with the sulu:translate:export command

  • Install the new assets using the assets:install –symlink

  • Make sure that the users the feature should be enabled for have the correct permissions

Manually set target group

Sulu will try to determine a matching target group based on the rules the content manager defines. But it is also possible to set a target group manually. That might be useful if you want to divide visitors into separate target groups based on some behavior, e.g. filling out a form, starting a download, etc.

Therefore we have introduced the TargetGroupStore. You can simply call its updateTargetGroupId method and Sulu will do the rest for you. This would like this in an action of a Controller:

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;

class DefaultController extends Controller {
    public function indexAction() {
        // determine the desired target group based on form values, etc.
        $targetGroupId = 0;


The target group that will be set manually should have quite a high priority, otherwise another higher prioritized target group might override that based on its defined rule.

Create custom rules

The cool thing about target groups are the rules you can define on them, which will automatically evaluated by Sulu. There are a few rules built-in, like a referrer rule, browser rule or a page rule. However, you might still have a very specific use case, which requires to implement your own custom rule.

Luckily this possibility is also built-in into Sulu. First of all you have to write your own implementation of the RuleInterface:


namespace Acme\Bundle\Rule;

use Sulu\Bundle\AudienceTargetingBundle\Rule\RuleInterface;

class ExampleRule implements RuleInterface {
    public function evaluate(array $options)
        // return true if the rule is matching, otherwise false

    public function getName()
        // return the name of the rule

    public function getType()
        // return an implementation of the RuleTypeInterface

The interface consists of three different methods, lets have a closer look at each one of them:

The easiest one is getName, whatever you return here will be shown in the rules dropdown.

The getType method returns how the rule is displayed in the admin. This is what the content manager will be facing, if this rule was chosen. There are a few possibilities, represented by classes implementing the RuleTypeInterface. They usually take some kind of name as constructor parameter, which will be used as key when storing this information in a JSON field in the database. The content of this JSON field is what will be passed to the $options argument of the evaluate method later. Until now there are implementations for Text, Select, KeyValue and for a InternalLink.

The evaluate method will be called for every appearance of the rule in all the target groups, until one of the target groups matches. The $options argument will be filled with the information from the conditions the content manager has configured as already mentioned above. Based on this information you have to define if the current request can be evaluated to true.


In most cases you need to inject other services to your rule, in order to be able to evaluate them in a sensible way. Quite often this is the RequestStack, which allows you to get the current Request object and allows you to evaluate certain values against the request.

Finally your implementation has to be registered as service using the sulu.audience_target_rule tag:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<container xmlns=""
        <service id="acme_bundle.rule"
            <!-- inject whatever services you need -->
            <tag name="sulu.audience_target_rule" alias="acme"/>


Mind that the alias of the tag has to be unique.