PreviewBundle ============= The PreviewBundle implements the preview feature for pages and custom entities. The bundle is built to be compatible with the RouteBundle. For custom entities, the `RouteDefaultsProvider` will be used to determine which controller should be used to render the HTML of an entity. Configuration ------------- The PreviewBundle allows for the following configuration: .. code-block:: yaml # config/packages/sulu_admin.yaml sulu_preview: mode: 'auto' # can be set to 'off' to disable the preview cache_adapter: '' # where the preview cache is stored PreviewObjectProvider --------------------- The `PreviewObjectProvider` is the interface which will be used to load, bind and de/serialize the object. .. code-block:: php getId(); } public function setValues($object, $locale, array $data) { ... // bind data-array to the object } public function setContext($object, $locale, array $context) { ... // context change is for example a template change (e.g. in pages or articles) } public function serialize($object) { return serialize($object); } public function deserialize($serializedObject, $objectClass) { return unserialize($serializedObject); } public function getSecurityContext($id, $locale): ?string { return null; // the security context used in the admin class for this object } } Afterwards the services has to be registered using this class and the tag ``. PreviewFormViewBuilder ---------------------- In order to display the preview in our form, we have to make use of the `PreviewFormViewBuilder` in the Admin class. .. note:: For more information about Admin Class take a look at :doc:`../../book/extend-admin`. .. code-block:: php viewBuilderFactory ->createResourceTabViewBuilder(static::EVENT_EDIT_FORM_VIEW, '/events/:id') ->setResourceKey(Event::RESOURCE_KEY) ->setBackView(static::EVENT_LIST_VIEW); $viewCollection->add($editFormView); $editDetailsFormView = $this->viewBuilderFactory ->createPreviewFormViewBuilder(static::EVENT_EDIT_FORM_VIEW . '.details', '/details') ->setPreviewCondition('id != null') // this is an optional condition when the preview should be shown ->setResourceKey(Event::RESOURCE_KEY) ->setFormKey(static::EVENT_FORM_KEY) ->setTabTitle('sulu_admin.details') ->addToolbarActions([new ToolbarAction(''), new ToolbarAction('sulu_admin.delete')]) ->setParent(static::EVENT_EDIT_FORM_VIEW); $viewCollection->add($editDetailsFormView); } } Preview Cache ------------- The preview use a cache to improve its performance. By default it will use the configured symfony ```` adapter. You can configure other adapter the following way: .. code-block:: yaml # config/packages/sulu_admin.yaml sulu_preview: cache_adapter: "" # symfony cache adapter id For example if you want to use redis you can do it this way: .. code-block:: yaml # config/packages/sulu_admin.yaml sulu_preview: cache_adapter: "cache.adapter.redis" framework: cache: default_redis_provider: 'redis://localhost' # this is default and not needed If you are in a multi server setup its recommended to set the whole `` in your `config/packages/cache.yaml` to a central cache like redis. .. code-block:: yaml # config/packages/cache.yaml framework: cache: default_redis_provider: '%env(REDIS_CACHE)%' # REDIS_CACHE can be set in your .env files app: cache.adapter.redis # prefix_seed: 'my_project_%kernel.environment%' # unique name for the project installation to avoid cache conflicts between multiple installations Read more about it in the `Symfony Cache Documentation`_. .. _Symfony Cache Documentation: