The RouteBundle provides the feature of managing website-routes for custom-entities. These routes will be generated by calling the RouteManager which uses a configurable schema for creating the route-path.
Every Entity can be combined with a route. You only have to call the create method of the service sulu_route.manager.route_manager with an entity implementing the RoutableInterface.
The update method will update the route-path with the configured schema and hold “history” (301 redirects) routes for the old routes.
To resolve the route on request you have to provide a RouteDefaultsProvider which defines the controller and attributes of the route.
Further Topics¶
Example with RoutableEntity¶
This example will create a simple example-entity which will be available on the website with an own route.
First extend your entity with the properties id, locale and a new many-to-one relation route:
<field name="id" type="int"/>
<field name="locale" type="string" length="5"/>
<many-to-one field="route" target-entity="Sulu\Bundle\RouteBundle\Entity\Route">
<join-column name="idRoutes" referenced-column-name="id" nullable="true" on-delete="SET NULL"/>
namespace App\Entity;
use Sulu\Bundle\RouteBundle\Model\RoutableInterface;
use Sulu\Bundle\RouteBundle\Model\RouteInterface;
class Event implements RoutableInterface
* @var string
private $title;
* @var RouteInterface
private $route;
public function getTitle() { ... }
public function setTitle() { ... }
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getId() { ... }
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getLocale() { ... }
* {@inheritdoc}
public function setRoute(RouteInterface $route) { ... }
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getRoute() { ... }
Configure the route-schema in the file config/packages/sulu_route.yml:
generator: schema
route_schema: /{translator.trans('event')}/{object.getTitle()}
resource_key: events
You can use the translator in the schema to create translated routes.
namespace App\Controller;
use App\Entity\Event;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
class EventController extends AbstractController
public function indexAction(Event $event)
return $this->render('events/event.html.twig', ['event' => $event]);
namespace App\Routing;
use App\Entity\Event;
use App\Entity\EventRepository;
use Sulu\Bundle\RouteBundle\Routing\Defaults\RouteDefaultsProviderInterface;
class EventRouteDefaultsProvider implements RouteDefaultsProviderInterface
public function __construct(protected EventRepository $eventRepository)
public function getByEntity($entityClass, $id, $locale, $object = null)
return [
'_controller' => 'App\Controller\EventController::indexAction',
'event' => $object ?: $this->eventRepository->find($id, $locale),
public function isPublished($entityClass, $id, $locale)
return true;
public function supports($entityClass)
return $entityClass === Event::class;
Register this class as a service with the tag <tag name=”sulu_route.defaults_provider”/>.
After that the entity is ready to get a route. To create a route for the new entities simple call the save method of the service sulu_route.manager.route_manager.
To update already existing entities you can run the command php bin/console sulu:route:update App\Entity\Event which updates or creates the route for all the entities of this type.
Example without RoutableEntity¶
If it is not possible to implement the RoutableInterface you can call the method createOrUpdateByAttributes($entityClass, $id, $locale, $path) of the service sulu_route.manager.route_manager.
This method does not handle route generation - for this reason you can also omit the generator and the options in the mapping configuration.
resource_key: events
As there is no cascading on database layer you have to call the remove method on the service sulu.repository.route when you remove your entity.