Test your Code

If your tests require external dependencies (e.g. a database connection) then they are Functional tests, otherwise they will be a Unit Test.

One key quality of Unit tests is that they execute very fast, whereas functional tests tend to be slower.

Functional Tests

To run the tests, follow these steps:

  1. Install Composer dependencies with composer install.

  2. Run the tests in one of the following ways.

Bundle Testing

The test runner script is a php script which automates the execution of Bundle tests. It is used by the continuous integration server and can be useful to quickly get the tests running.

$ ./bin/runtests -i -C

The above will initialize the database(i) and run all the tests excluding the component tests (C).

runtests has the following options:

  • -i: Initialize the test setup (e.g. creating database).

  • -t [Bundle]: Run the tests only for the specific bundle.

  • -a: Run all tests.

  • -B: Don’t run the bundle tests

  • -C: Don’t run the component tests

Subsequently you will only need to run the tests, so you can omit the -i option.

$ ./bin/runtests -a

You may also specify a specific bundle for which to run the tests:

$ ./bin/runtests -C -t SearchBundle

After the bundles have been initialized you may also simply change to the bundle root directory and use phpunit as normal:

$ cd src/Sulu/Bundle/SearchBundle
$ phpunit

Component Testing

The component tests may be executed using the runtests script or PHPUnit from the root directory:

$ ./bin/runtests -B
$ phpunit

You can test a specific component with PHPUnit by specifying the path:

$ phpunit src/Sulu/Component/Content

Jackrabbit installation

By default Sulu uses the Doctrine DBAL implementation for PHPCR in your local test environment. If you need to test against the Jackrabbit backend, you can install it with the following bash snippet:

if [ ! -f downloads/jackrabbit-standalone-$JACKRABBIT_VERSION.jar ]; then
    cd downloads
    wget http://archive.apache.org/dist/jackrabbit/$JACKRABBIT_VERSION/jackrabbit-standalone-$JACKRABBIT_VERSION.jar
    cd -

To start your jackrabbit installation run

java -jar downloads/jackrabbit-standalone-2.12.0.jar > /dev/null &

Now you have to run your tests with the jackrabbit backend enabled (omit the initialization step [-i] after the first run):

$ PHPCR_TRANSPORT=jackrabbit ./bin/runtests -i -a