Provider for XML-Sitemap¶
SitemapProvider are used to load data for the XML-Sitemap. It returns an array of SitemapUrl instances. This API has to be paginated because Google only allows 50000 urls in a single Sitemap. The SitemapController takes care of generating a sitemapindex if more than one Provider or more than one pages are available. Otherwise it will deliver a the Sitemap of the first Provider.
The SitemapUrl consists of the following properties:
loc - Url to page.
locale - Locale of the page
defaultLocale - Default locale of the page
lastmod (optional) - Latest modification datetime.
changefreq (optional) - Frequency of change (see SitemapUrl::CHANGE_FREQUENCY_* constants)
priority (optional) - Priority of page in relation to other pages.
alternateLinks (optional) - Alternate links like other representations or translations
The Sulu core provides a single Provider for pages (including homepage). Custom modules can provide their own Providers that this URLs also will be published over the sitemap.xml.
This is a simple example which assumes that the logic to load entities is implemented in the Repository.
namespace AppBundle\Sitemap;
use AppBundle\Entity\ExampleRepository;
use Sulu\Bundle\WebsiteBundle\Sitemap\Sitemap;
use Sulu\Bundle\WebsiteBundle\Sitemap\SitemapProviderInterface;
use Sulu\Bundle\WebsiteBundle\Sitemap\SitemapUrl;
class SitemapProvider implements SitemapProviderInterface
* @var ExampleRepository
private $repository;
* @param ExampleRepository $repository
public function __construct(ExampleRepository $repository)
$this->repository = $repository;
public function build($page, $scheme, $host)
$result = [];
foreach ($this->repository->findAllForSitemap($page, self::PAGE_SIZE) as $item) {
$result[] = new SitemapUrl(
$scheme . '://' . $host . $item->getUrl(),
return $result;
public function getAlias()
return 'myalias';
public function createSitemap($scheme, $host)
return new Sitemap($this->getAlias(), $this->getMaxPage($scheme, $host));
public function getMaxPage($scheme, $host)
if ($host !== '') {
// If the pages are only for a specific
return 0;
return ceil($this->repository->countForSitemap() / self::PAGE_SIZE);
If you are not using autowiring you need to tag the service with sulu.sitemap.provider.