Migrate existing content data on template changeΒΆ

Sulu uses PHPCR as a persistence layer for the data of the pages and snippets of an application. When a page or a snippet is loaded from PHPCR, Sulu will use its template to resolve the existing data. Because of this, if you change the name of a property in your template and want to keep the existing data for that property, you need to migrate the data inside of PHPCR to match the new property name.

To preferred way for migrate existing data is creating a migration script using the dantleech/phpcr-migrations-bundle package. Inside of such a migration, you are able to iterate over all properties of existing pages and snippets and modify them to your needs.

If you want to use the bundle in your project, you need to configure a path that is scanned for migrations inside of your project by adding a config/packages/phpcr_migrations.yaml file:

        - '%kernel.project_dir%/phpcr-migrations'

Before creating a migration, it is helpful to inspect the existing properties of a page inside of PHPCR using the interactive shell of the phpcr/phpcr-shell package that can be started via bin/console doctrine:phpcr:shell.

The following example migration renames the oldPropertyName property into newPropertyName for all existing pages that use the my-template-key template. It must be stored in the configured phpcr-migrations directory of your project and is executed when running bin/console phpcr:migrations:migrate.


namespace App;

use Jackalope\Query\Row;
use PHPCR\Migrations\VersionInterface;
use PHPCR\SessionInterface;
use Sulu\Component\Localization\Localization;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAwareInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAwareTrait;

class Version202206091200 implements VersionInterface, ContainerAwareInterface
    use ContainerAwareTrait;

    public function up(SessionInterface $session)
        $liveSession = $this->container->get('sulu_document_manager.live_session');
        $localizations = $this->container->get('sulu_core.webspace.webspace_manager')->getAllLocalizations();

        /** @var Localization $localization */
        foreach ($localizations as $localization) {



    public function down(SessionInterface $session)
        $liveSession = $this->container->get('sulu_document_manager.live_session');
        $localizations = $this->container->get('sulu_core.webspace.webspace_manager')->getAllLocalizations();

        /** @var Localization $localization */
        foreach ($localizations as $localization) {


     * Upgrade all nodes in given session.
    private function upgrade(SessionInterface $session, Localization $localization)
        /** @var Row $row */
        foreach ($this->getRowsToMigrate($session, $localization) as $row) {
            $node = $row->getNode();
            $localizedOldPropertyName = \sprintf('i18n:%s-oldPropertyName', $localization->getLocale());
            $localizedNewPropertyName = \sprintf('i18n:%s-newPropertyName', $localization->getLocale());

            if ($node->hasProperty($localizedOldPropertyName)) {
                $node->setProperty($localizedNewPropertyName, $node->getPropertyValue($localizedOldPropertyName));
                $node->setProperty($localizedOldPropertyName, null);

     * Downgrades all nodes in given session.
    private function downgrade(SessionInterface $session, Localization $localization)
        /** @var Row $row */
        foreach ($this->getRowsToMigrate($session, $localization) as $row) {
            $node = $row->getNode();
            $localizedOldPropertyName = \sprintf('i18n:%s-oldPropertyName', $localization->getLocale());
            $localizedNewPropertyName = \sprintf('i18n:%s-newPropertyName', $localization->getLocale());

            if ($node->hasProperty($localizedNewPropertyName)) {
                $node->setProperty($localizedOldPropertyName, $node->getPropertyValue($localizedNewPropertyName));
                $node->setProperty($localizedNewPropertyName, null);

    * Creates a generator that generates all rows that have to be migrated.
    * @return \Generator
    private function getRowsToMigrate(SessionInterface $session, Localization $localization)
        $queryManager = $session->getWorkspace()->getQueryManager();

        $pageCondition = '([jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:page" OR [jcr:mixinTypes] = "sulu:home")';
        $templateCondition = \sprintf('([i18n:%s-template] = "my-template-key")', $localization->getLocale());

        $query = 'SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE (' . $templateCondition . 'AND' . $pageCondition . ')';

        yield from $queryManager->createQuery($query, 'JCR-SQL2')->execute();