Using the Document Manager ========================== Finding documents ----------------- Documents can be located using either their UUID or their path: .. code-block:: php find('/path/to/document'); $document = $documentManager->find('842e61c0-09ab-42a9-87c0-308ccc90e6f4'); To find a localized document: .. code-block:: php $germanDocument = $documentManager->find('842e61c0-09ab-42a9-87c0-308ccc90e6f4', 'de'); Additionally, options can be specified: .. code-block:: php find('842e61c0-09ab-42a9-87c0-308ccc90e6f4', 'de', array( 'my_option' => 'foobar', )); Persisting documents -------------------- The Sulu Document Manager requires that you ``persist()`` documents and then ``flush`` the document manager. .. note:: The ``persist`` operation, unlike other document/object managers, takes a snapshot of the document in its current state and maps the data to the PHPCR node. Changes made to the document after calling ``persist`` will not be taken in to account when ``flush`` is called. Below is a simple persist operation: .. code-block:: php setTitle(); $documentManager->persist($document, 'fr', array( 'path' => '/path/to/persist/to', )); $documentManager->flush(); This persists the document in the French language at the path. The path is given as an **option**. The ``path`` option comes from the ``ExplicitPathSubscriber`` subscriber. The amount of options available depends on which subscribers you have registered. See the :doc:`subscribers` chapter for more information. .. note:: Be aware that documents can only be created in the admin context, not in the website context. For CLI commands, this means you must use ``bin/adminconsole`` to execute the command. Alternatively, you can execute a command that dispatches messages via the Symfony Messenger. In this case, the consumer that consumes the dispatched message must also run in the admin context. .. code-block:: bash bin/adminconsole your:command The Path Builder ---------------- The structure of the Sulu content repository is configurable. This means that if you hard code a path ``/cmf/sulu_io/contents`` then your code could break, as both the ``cmf`` and ``contents`` segments of this path are configurable. The path builder provides a way to elegantly compose content repository paths by passing an array of path *segments*: .. code-block:: php $pathBuilder = $container->get('sulu_document_manager.path_builder'); $path = $pathBuilder->build(array('%base%', 'sulu_io', '%content%', 'path/to/article'); The above code would produce the path ``/cmf/sulu_io/contents/path/to/article`` using the default configuration.k Path segments enclosed within `%` characters are resolved by the ``PathSegmentRegistry``, which uses configuration to map path segment names to values. Other segments are interpreted literally.