Collection selection ==================== Description ----------- Let you assign multiple collections from the media section. .. note:: This content type passes an array of Collection_ entities to the twig template. It does not provide the media entities inside of the selected collections. If you want to access the media entities of a collection, you should use a :doc:`smart_content property ` with the ``media`` data provider or load the matching media entities in a :doc:`custom controller <../../cookbook/custom-controller>` or in a `custom twig extension`_. Parameters ---------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Type - Description * - item_disabled_condition - string - Allows to set a `jexl`_ expression that evaluates if an item should be displayed as disabled. Disabled items cannot be selected. * - allow_deselect_for_disabled_items - bool - Defines if the user should be able to deselect an item that is disabled. Default value is true. * - sortable - bool - Defines if the user should be able to sort the selected items. Default value is true. * - request_parameters - collection - Collection of parameters that are appended to the requests sent by the selection. * - resource_store_properties_to_request - collection - Collection of property names. The value of the respective properties are appended to the requests sent by the selection. Return value ------------ See the Collection_ class for available variables and functions. Example ------- .. code-block:: xml Collections Twig ---- .. code-block:: twig {% for collection in content.collections %}

{{ collection.title }}

{% endfor %} .. _Collection: .. _custom twig extension: .. _jexl: