
Returns the absolute URL for the content at the given path. The domain is taken from config/webspaces/*.xml and your current environment. In case you have multiple URLs in one environment, you can prioritize one by giving it <url main="true">.

<ul class="nav nav-justified">
    {% for item in content.snippets[0].internalLinks %}
            <a href="{{ sulu_content_path(item.url, item.webspaceKey) }}" title="{{ item.title }}">{{ item.title }}</a>
    {% endfor %}


  • url: string - Url to get path

  • webspaceKey string - If item is not in the same webspace as current content (optional)

  • locale string - If item is not in the same locale as current content (optional)

  • domain string - If a specific domain should be used to generate the url (optional)

  • scheme string - If a different scheme (as the current scheme) should be used to generate the url (optional)

Returns: string - Absolute URL