Select ====== Description ----------- Adds the possibility to choose multiple values from a given list of values. Parameters ---------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Type - Description * - values - collection - A collection of values to choose from. * - default_values - collection - A collection of default values which are activated by default. Example ------- .. code-block:: xml Select Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Expression Example ------------------ By using a ``param`` with the type ``expression``, it is also possible to display the values returned by a service (:doc:`../../cookbook/select-values-service`). .. note:: Be aware that the provided expression is only evaluated during the initial request to the administration interface. If you want to provide a selection for your custom entity, you should configure the ``selection`` field-type as described in :doc:`../../book/extend-admin`. .. code-block:: xml Select Twig ---- .. code-block:: twig {% for item in content.list %}