How to Override Sulu's default Directory Structure ================================================== As Sulu is Symfony based you can read about overriding the default structure in the `Symfony documentation`_. Keep in mind that the cache folder of Sulu needs to be different for Kernel::getContext() website and admin. Override admin js/css build basePath ------------------------------------ If you not only want to override the `public-dir`_ but also the path where the js/css for the admin is built, you need to change the following in your webpack configuration: .. code-block:: js const webpackConfig = require('./vendor/sulu/sulu/webpack.config.js'); module.exports = (env, argv) => { if (!env) { env = {}; } env.base_path = 'your/new/path'; return webpackConfig(env, argv); }; Also you need to tell the framework bundle where it will find the new ``manifest.json`` after you generated it with ``npm install`` and ``npm run build`` into your new directory. .. code-block:: yaml # config/packages/framework.yaml framework: assets: packages: sulu_admin: json_manifest_path: "%kernel.project_dir%/public/your/new/path/manifest.json" .. _Symfony documentation: .. _public-dir: