Data Fixtures

The Sulu DocumentManager integration includes a fixture loader which allows you to load static data into your content repository.

Getting Started

Shown below is an example that creates a simple data fixture.

  • The class name MUST end with Fixture for it to be recognized

  • The class MUST be placed in <your bundle>/DataFixtures/Document in order for it to be loaded automatically.

namespace YourBundle\DataFixtures\Document;

use Sulu\Component\DocumentManager\DocumentManager;
use Sulu\Bundle\DocumentManagerBundle\DataFixtures\DocumentFixtureInterface;
use Sulu\Component\DocumentManager\Exception\MetadataNotFoundException;

class SomeFixture implements DocumentFixtureInterface
     * Simple local string with two chars.
    const LOCALE = 'en';

     * All fixtures will be sorted in regards of the returned integer. This
     * "weight" will let a fixture run later if the integer is higher.
     * @return int
    public function getOrder()
        return 10;

     * Load fixtures.
     * Use the document manager to create and save fixtures.
     * Be sure to call DocumentManager#flush() when you are done.
     * @param DocumentManager $documentManager
     * @throws MetadataNotFoundException
    public function load(DocumentManager $documentManager)
         * "page" is the base content of sulu. "article" for example would be used be the Article bundle.
         * @var \Sulu\Bundle\PageBundle\Document\PageDocument $document
        $document = $documentManager->create('page');

        // Set the local. Keep in mind that you have to save every local version extra.

        // The title of the page set in the template XML. Can not be set by getStructure()->bind();
        $document->setTitle('foo bar page title');

        // Use setStructureType to set the name of the page template.

        // URL of the content with out any language prefix.

        // Data for all content types that this template uses.
                'article' => '<strong>Lore Ipsum Dolor</strong>',

        // Data for the "Excerpt & Taxonomies" tab when editing content.
                'title' => 'foo title',
                'description' => 'bar description',
                'categories' => [],
                'tags' => [],

        // Data for the "SEO" tab when editing content.
                'title' => 'foo title',

        // parent_path uses your webspace name. In this case "sulu_io"
                'parent_path' => '/cmf/sulu_io/contents',

        // Optional: If you don't want your document to be published, remove this line
        $documentManager->publish($document, static::LOCALE);

        // Persist immediately to database.

You can now execute your data fixture using the sulu:document:fixtures:load command.

$ php bin/console sulu:document:fixtures:load

By default this command will purge and re-initialize the workspace before loading all of the fixtures.


Unless you use the –append option, your workspace will be purged!

Advanced Usage

You can specify directories instead of having the command automatically find the fixtures:

$ php bin/console sulu:document:fixtures:load --fixtures=/path/to/fixtures1 --fixtures=/path/to/fixtures2

You can also specify if fixtures should be appended (i.e. the repository will not be purged) and if the initializer should be executed.

Append fixtures:

$ php bin/console sulu:document:fixtures:load --append

Do not initialize:

$ php bin/console sulu:document:fixtures:load --no-initialize

Using the Service Container

If you need the service container you can implement the SymfonyComponentDependencyInjectionContainerAwareInterface:


namespace YourBundle\DataFixtures\Document;

use Sulu\Bundle\DocumentManagerBundle\DataFixtures\DocumentFixtureInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAwareInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;

class SomeFixture implements DocumentFixtureInterface, ContainerAwareInterface
    private $container;

    public function setContainer(ContainerInterface $container = null)
        $this->container = $container;