Snippet Selection ================= Description ----------- Shows a list with the possibility to assign an arbitrary amount of snippets. Snippets are small blocks managed in the global section, which can be reused on as many pages as necessary. The assigned snippets will be saved as an array of references. Parameters ---------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Type - Description * - types - string - The type of snippet to assign. * - default - string - false - If this parameter is true or set to a specific area, the content-type will load the respective default snippet if no snippet is selected. * - loadExcerpt - boolean - If this parameter is set to true, then the taxonomies information for this snippet is loaded in a "taxonomies" property * - item_disabled_condition - string - Allows to set a `jexl`_ expression that evaluates if an item should be displayed as disabled. Disabled items cannot be selected. * - allow_deselect_for_disabled_items - bool - Defines if the user should be able to deselect an item that is disabled. Default value is true. * - request_parameters - collection - Collection of parameters that are appended to the requests sent by the selection. * - resource_store_properties_to_request - collection - Collection of property names. The value of the respective properties are appended to the requests sent by the selection. Example ------- .. code-block:: xml Snippets Twig ---- .. code-block:: twig {% for snippet in content.snippets %} {{ snippet.title }} {% endfor %} .. _jexl: