Reference Store =============== The reference-store is a service which collects ids of entities/documents which are used to render a page. This ids will be used for example in the caching component :doc:`../http_cache`. Architecture ------------ Each type of content register its own service which implements ``ReferenceStoreInterface`` or with the default implementation ``Sulu\Bundle\ContentBundle\ReferenceStore\ReferenceStore``. The service ``sulu_website.reference_store_pool`` collects the services with the tag ``sulu_website.reference_store`` and use the ``alias`` attribute to identify them. To register a loaded entity use the concrete store (e.g. ``sulu_content.reference_store.content`` or your own service) and call the method ``add`` to append the id of the entity. Example ------- .. code-block:: xml .. code-block:: php $exampleReferenceStore = $container->get('app.reference_store.example'); $exampleReferenceStore->add(1); $referenceStore = $container->get('sulu_website.reference_store'); var_dump($referenceStore->getStore('example')->getAll()); // prints // array(1) { // [0] => // int(1) // }