Integration into custom module ============================== The AutomationBundle provides a simple way to integrate the ``automation-tab`` into your own custom module. 1. Handler ---------- Be sure the application provides some handlers for the custom entity-class. This can be ensured by including custom handlers and supporting it via the interface (see :doc:`handler`). 2. NavigationProvider --------------------- Create a new NavigationProvider and register it in the ``services.xml`` file (see :doc:`../../cookbook/using-tab-navigation`). .. code-block:: php setId('tab-automation'); $automation->setAction('automation'); $automation->setDisplay(['edit']); // This component is already implemented in the automation-bundle. $automation->setComponent('automation-tab@suluautomation'); // The entityClass option will customize the tab for your entity. $automation->setComponentOptions(['entityClass' => NewsItem::class]); return [$automation]; } } .. note:: If you integrate this into a public bundle you should check the existence of the AutomationBundle in your extension and omit this definition if it is not registered. 3. Use it --------- After clearing the cache you can see the newly created tab in your custom-module and make use of it.