AutomationBundle ================ The AutomationBundle provides the functionality for managing automated tasks. This tasks can be used for example to publish or unpublish pages at a specific timestamp. This handlers (like publish) can be implemented by the application or any bundle. .. figure:: ../../img/automation-tab.png :align: center Basic Ideas ----------- The basic idea behind this bundle was to enhance the content manager with the possibility to plan when a page will be online. But also other tasks should be possible. One of many scenarios could be to send a mail after 6 months to check the content of the page As basic implementation for task scheduling and running the `PHP-Task Library`_ and the `Bundle`_ was used. .. note:: Outside the "automation" bundle the `PHP-Task Library`_ can be used for recurring or single-time tasks which are necessary for your application. For more information about the library and the bundle itself take a look at the `PHP-Task Documentation`_. As recommended run-mode (beside the ``kernel.terminate`` Listener) you should use the ``task:run`` command inside a cron-job. For the interval of the cron-job you have to decide how precise the task should run at the given timestamp. For example if you choose an interval of 1 hour the tasks will only run each hour. Installation ------------ All of the dependencies will be installed automatically with ``sulu/sulu``. Because of this you only have to register the AutomationBundle and the TaskBundle in your Kernel and ``app/config/admin/routing.yml`` file. .. code-block:: php ... // php-task new Task\TaskBundle\TaskBundle(), // sulu new Sulu\Bundle\AutomationBundle\SuluAutomationBundle(), ... .. code-block:: yaml sulu_automation_api: type: rest resource: "@SuluAutomationBundle/Resources/config/routing_api.xml" prefix: /admin/api sulu_automation: type: rest resource: "@SuluAutomationBundle/Resources/config/routing.xml" prefix: /admin/automation For recommended run mode and other settings you should use the default configuration. Further Topics -------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 handler tab .. _PHP-Task Library: .. _Bundle: .. _PHP-Task Documentation: