Optimize for production usage ============================= If you want to use Sulu in production there are a few more optimizations you can do than just switching to the `prod` environment. The Symfony documentation already gives an introduction into `deploying applications`_. Since Sulu is also a Symfony application all these tips also apply to deploying Sulu. This cookbook entry will show even more ways to optimize the performance of Sulu in a production environment. Enable doctrine caches ---------------------- The Symfony documentation already describes how to activate caching for the metadata, queries and results in its `DoctrineBundle documentation`_. If you have APC installed and want to enable caching using APC you can just uncomment the following lines in `app/config/admin/config_prod.yml` and `app/config/website/config_prod.yml`: .. code-block:: yaml doctrine: orm: metadata_cache_driver: apc result_cache_driver: apc query_cache_driver: apc In case you want to use other caching providers you should have a look at the `DoctrineBundle documentation`_, where the configuration of other providers is explained. .. _deploying applications: http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/deployment/tools.html .. _DoctrineBundle documentation: http://symfony.com/doc/current/reference/configuration/doctrine.html#caching-drivers