Custom Route-Generator ====================== The RouteBundle enables you to define custom route generators. These generators will be called every time you create or update a route for the given entity. For each entity you can define which generator will be used. The following example will generate a route by using the core route generator, but you can define route schemas for each entity type. .. code-block:: php routeGenerator = $routeGenerator; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function generate($entity, array $options) { $type = $entity->getType(); if (!array_key_exists($type, $options)) { throw new \Exception(sprintf('Route-schema for type "%s" not configured!', $type)); } return $this->routeGenerator->generate($entity, ['route_schema' => $options[$type]]); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getOptionsResolver(array $options) { // allow all options. return (new OptionsResolver())->setDefined(array_keys($options)); } } Register this as a service with the tag `sulu.route_generator` (with alias `custom` for example) and use this alias in the configuration: .. code-block:: yaml sulu_route: mappings: AppBundle\Entity\Recipe: generator: schema options: route_schema: /{translator.trans('recipe')}/{object.getTitle()} AppBundle\Entity\Example: generator: custom options: type1: /example/{object.getName()} type2: /example/{object.getTitle()}