Events ====== The event-hook manages events and creates callable functions to throw or catch aura events. It encapsulate the ' createEventName' function to build event-names with the ``, `this.options.instanceName` and `postFix` of the given events. .. code-block:: javascript define(['services/husky/util'], function (util) { 'use strict'; /** * Namespace for events. * * @type {string} */ var eventNamespace = 'smart-content.categories.'; return { defaults: { options: {instanceName: 'example'} }, events: { names: { initialized: {postFix: 'initialized'}, getData: { postFix: 'get-data', type: 'on' } }, namespace: eventNamespace }, initialize: function () { this.loadData().then(function (data) { = data; // emit event; }); // getter for data (callback) { callback(; }.bind(this)); }, loadData: function () { // ... return util.Deferred(); } }; }); .. note:: The event-names will be build with this schema: `.[.]`. Types ----- The events-hook can handle different types of events. .. list-table:: * - ``emit`` - **default** - Uses `this.sandbox.emit` to emit an aura event. * - ``on`` - Uses `this.sandbox.on` to add a event-listener to a aura event. * - ``once`` - Uses `this.sandbox.once` to add a one-time event-listener to a aura event.