Smart content ============= Description ----------- Shows a list of items, which depend on a configurable filter. Depending on the DataProvider you can define where the items come from (Datasource), what tags the filtered items must have, how they are sorted, and how many results you want to get. Additionally you can define some presentation types, so that the content manager can decide if the items should be displayed e.g. in one column or two columns. The filter is saved as a JSON string in the database. The DataProviders are backend modules which handle the selected filters and return the items which fit to this filters. There are some predefined ones but you can add your own DataProvider easily. How you can do this is described in :doc:`/cookbook/smart-content-data-provider` Parameters ---------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Type - Description * - provider - string - DataProvider alias for content of SmartContent - Default 'content'. * - max_per_page - integer - Limits the results per page. Omit this parameter to disable pagination. * - page_parameter - string - Defines the page number key to be used in the website query string. * - tags_parameter - string - Defines the tags key to be used in the website query string. This comma separated list of tag names will be combined (AND) with the selected tags from the backend. * - categories_parameter - string - Defines the categories key to be used in the website query string. This comma separated list of category ids will be combined (AND) with the selected tags from the backend. * - website_tags_operator - string - OR or AND to define how the tags will be combined in the query. * - website_categories_operator - string - OR or AND to define how the categories will be combined in the query. * - properties - collection - Defines the property names which will be exposed in the HTML template. * - present_as - collection - A collection of strings, which can be configured for different presentation modes. If more than one element is given, the user can choose between the elements in this collection. The selected value is also passed to the HTML template. * - category_root - string - Root category (key) to display category-tree. * - display_options - collection - Hide form-elements (tags, categories, sorting, limit, presentAs) can hide available elements for DataProvider. Return Value ------------ This values are available in the *view* variable in the twig templates. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Description * - dataSource - string - Uuid of data-source * - includeSubFolders - bool - Is TRUE if subfolders will be crawled * - categories - string[] - Selected categories * - categoryOperator - string - Operator which combines selected categories * - tags - string[] - Selected tags * - tagOperator - string - Operator which combines selected tags * - websiteCategories - string[] - Selected categories over GET parameter * - websiteCategoryOperator - string - Operator which combines GET parameter categories * - websiteTags - string[] - Selected tags over GET parameter * - websiteTagOperator - string - Operator which combines GET parameter tags * - sortBy - string - Selected sort column * - sortMethod - string - Selected sort method - ASC or DESC * - presentAs - string - selected present as value * - limitResult - string - Selected limit for result * - page - int - Current page number * - hasNextPage - bool - Is TRUE if another page exists The "content" values depends on the DataProvider. .. note:: You can determine content properties with the twig function ``dump``. DataProvider ------------ These providers are predefined for Sulu-Entities. Content Pages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alias: "content" This provider filters content pages. You can choose a parent page as data source, whose child pages will be filtered by the DataProvider. **Parameters** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Type - Description * - properties - collection - Defines the property names which will be exposed in the HTML template. .. note:: "properties" can include structure properties or extension data: * title - is a property of the structure * excerpt.title - is a property of the excerpt structure extension with the name title For an example see :ref:`example` Contact - People ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alias: "contact" This provider filters the contacts. Account - Organization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alias: "account" This provider filters the accounts. Media ~~~~~ Alias: "media" This provider filters the media. **Parameters** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Type - Description * - mimetype_parameter - string - name of mime-type GET parameter (default: `mimetype`) * - type_parameter - string - name of media-type GET parameter (default: `type`) Additionally the provider provides some additional filter for the website. With the PropertyParameter `mimetype_parameter` and `type_parameter` the name of the GET parameter can be specified. For example the MimeType can be filtered by adding `?mimetype=application/pdf` to the content URL. Same takes effect for `?type=image` with the media type (which is basically a group of mime-types). .. _example: Example for "content" DataProvider ---------------------------------- Page template ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: xml Smart Content Two columns One column Twig template ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: twig {% for page in content.pages %}

{{ page.title }}

{{ page.excerptTitle }} | {{ page.excerptTags|join(', ') }}

{% if page.excerptImages|length > 0 %} {{ page.excerptImages[0].title }} {% endif %} {% autoescape false %} {{ page.article }} {% endautoescape %}
{% endfor %}