``sulu_util_multisort`` ======================= Allows arrays of arrays or objects to be sorted by any properties which are accessible via. the Symfony `PropertyAccessor`_ path(s). .. code-block:: jinja {% for content in content.smartcontent|sulu_util_multisort('[title]', 'asc') %} {# ... #} {% endfor %} You can specify an array of paths to enable cascading sorting, for example .. code-block:: jinja {% for content in content.smartcontent|sulu_util_multisort(['[title]', '[description]'], 'asc') %} {# ... #} {% endfor %} Arguments: - **path**: Property path - **direction**: Direction to sort, either ``ASC`` or ``DESC`` .. _PropertyAccessor: http://symfony.com/doc/current/components/property_access/introduction.html .. _standard set of Twig functions: http://twig.sensiolabs.org/documentation