DataProvider for SmartContent ============================= DataProviders are used to load data for SmartContent. It returns data filtered by a configuration array. This array can be configured with an overlay in the backend form. This configuration array includes following values: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Description * - dataSource - Additional constraint - like page-"folder". * - tags - Multiple selection of tags, which a item should have. * - tagOperator - The item has any or all of the selected tags. * - categories - Multiple selection of categories, which a item should have. * - categoryOperator - The item has any or all of the selected categories. Tags (websiteTags) and Categories (websiteCategories) can also be "injected" by GET parameters from the website. This can be handled separately from the admin-selected. Also different operators (websiteTagsOperator and websiteCategoryOperator) are available. Additional features, which can be provided with a DataProvider: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Description * - presentAs - Value can be used in the website for display options - like one or two column - these values can be freely configured by developers. * - page & pageSize - Pagination of items. * - limit - Maximum items for (if pagination is active) over all pages or overall. How to create a custom DataProvider? ------------------------------------ To create a custom data provider you have to create a service which implements the Interface `DataProviderInterface`. This Interface provides functions to resolve the configured filters for the backend API with standardized objects and for the website with array and entity access. Additionally the DataProvider returns a configuration object to enable or disable features. There exists an abstraction layer for ORM DataProviders. This layer provides the implementation of basic DataProvider functionality and Database query. If you want to create a DataProvider for the ExampleEntity you have todo following steps. 1. Repository ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The repository has to implement the DataProviderRepositoryInterface and provide the findByFilters function. If the default implementation is good enough, you can include the trait `DataProviderRepositoryTrait`, which needs the functions `createQueryBuilder` (is default in repositories) and `appendJoins` where you are able to configure eager loading for the entity. The rest of the functionality and Query generation is done in the Trait. .. code-block:: php addSelect('type')->leftJoin($alias . '.type', 'type'); } } .. note:: Be sure that the returned entities has valid serialization configuration for JMS\Serializer. There are the following hooks to influence the query generation. These are functions which are optional to override in the repository. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Description * - append(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, $alias, $locale, $options = []) - Additional `select`, `where` or `joins` can be added to the query to match given options. The options can be generated by the data-provider and can contain for example additional filter parameter. * - appendTagsRelation(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, $alias) - If your entity is not directly connected to the tags (entity.tags) you can append here all needed joins and return the path to the tag relation. * - appendCategoriesRelation(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, $alias) - Same as tags. * - appendDatasource($datasource, $includeSubFolders, QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, $alias) - If your dataprovider can handle datasources you can add the functionality to filter by the datasource here. 2. DataItem ~~~~~~~~~~~ The DataItem will be used in the backend to display the filtered items. This class implements the Interface `ItemInterface`. .. code-block:: php entity = $entity; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @VirtualProperty */ public function getId() { return $this->entity->getId(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @VirtualProperty */ public function getTitle() { return $this->entity->getTitle(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @VirtualProperty */ public function getImage() { return $this->entity->getImage(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getResource() { return $this->entity; } } .. note:: If you return an image within the `getImage` function it will be displayed in the admin ui. You should be sure that the image is not bigger that 50x50. 3. DataProvider ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Also the DataProvider is mostly abstracted by the SmartContent Component. The optimize in the configuration you can disable or enable the form-elements to avoid filtering for that values. .. code-block:: php requestStack = $requestStack; $this->configuration = self::createConfigurationBuilder() ->enableTags() ->enableLimit() ->enablePagination() ->enablePresentAs() ->getConfiguration(); } /** * Decorates result as data item. * * @param array $data * * @return ItemInterface[] */ protected function decorateDataItems(array $data) { return array_map( function ($item) { return new ExampleDataItem($item); }, $data ); } /** * Returns additional options for query creation. * * @param PropertyParameter[] $propertyParameter * @param array $options * * @return array */ protected function getOptions(array $propertyParameter, array $options = []) { $request = $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest(); $result = [ 'type' => $request->get('type'), ]; return array_filter($result); } } .. note:: The ``ConfigurationBuilder`` also has a ``enableDatasource`` function, which allows to choose a source for the request. This is very useful in tree structures, because it allows to filter e.g. only for pages below a certain page. 4. Service Definition ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Define a service with your Repository and DataProvider and add the tag `sulu.smart_content.data_provider` with a alias to your DataProvider service definition. .. code-block:: xml %sulu_example.example.entity% Afterwards you can use your new DataProvider within a normal SmartContent property. .. note:: Mind that the `class` property should set to a sensible value, but it has no influence in the actual result (see the `Factory service documentation`_ of Symfony for more details). So it is very important to set the repository class correct in the `doctrine metadata`_ for this to work. .. _Factory service documentation: .. _doctrine metadata: