Generating thumbnails for video files with ffmpegΒΆ

FFmpeg is a library to process video files. Sulu is able to use this libraries to generate thumbnail images for video files.

  1. Install ffmpeg-bundle:

composer require pulse00/ffmpeg-bundle
  1. Add bundle to app/AbstractKernel.php:

 abstract class AbstractKernel extends SuluKernel
     public function registerBundles()
         $bundles = [

             new Dubture\FFmpegBundle\DubtureFFmpegBundle(),

         return $bundles;

  1. Add configuration app/config/config.yml:

    ffmpeg_binary: /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg # path to ffmpeg
    ffprobe_binary: /usr/local/bin/ffprobe # path to ffprobe
    binary_timeout: 300 # Use 0 for infinite
    threads_count: 4