Security ======== Every page has its own permission tab, which is integrated like described in :doc:`../../cookbook/securing-your-application`. The settings placed in this tab has an influence on the UI of Sulu. The UI might also be adapted due to the permissions defined in Security Contexts (see the documentation at :doc:`security` for more details). The form adapts to the permissions by changing its toolbar. The delete option in the edit dropdown is only available if the user has the delete permission on this page. The other toolbar items are only available if the user has the `edit` permission. The column navigation for the content is a bit more complicated. The entire tree is always visible, but the available functionality is changing based on the permissions of the page. The `delete` permission is tied to the delete item in the option dropdown. The `edit` permission is required to move and sort the page in the content tree. For sorting the page the `edit` permission of all siblings and the parent page is also required. For copying a page the user has to have the `view` permission on the source page. In addition to that the icon appearing on hovering one of the items in the content tree depends on its permission. If the user is allowed to edit the page a pencil shows up, in case the user has only the permission to view the page an eyes is shown instead. In case the user has no permission at all, there also will not appear any icon on hovering.