PreviewBundle ============= The PreviewBundle provides the feature of preview for custom-entities. It is build on top of the route-bundle and can only be introduced for entities which have a `RouteDefaultsProvider`. This Provider will be used to determine which controller should be used to render the HTML of the entity. This HTML should contain the definition `property="..."` which will be used to find the place where the content takes place. See the documentation for that in :doc:`/cookbook/live-preview`. Example ------- This is a simple (and not complete) example of a news-entity form. Sulu-Admin form *************** .. code-block:: js define(['services/sulupreview/preview'], function(Preview) { return { header: { ... }, layout: function() { return { content: { width: 'fixed', leftSpace: true, rightSpace: true }, sidebar: (!! ? 'max' : false } }, initialize: function() { this.render(); this.sandbox.on('',; this.preview.bindDomEvents(this.$el); }, render: function() { ... }, save: function(action) { ... }, loadComponentData: function() { if (! { return {}; } return this.sandbox.util.load(this.options.url).done(function(data) { this.preview = Preview.initialize({}); this.preview.start( 'AppBundle\\Entity\\News', // your entity-class, this.options.locale, data ); return data; }); } }; When binding DOM Events by calling `this.preview.bindDomeEvents(this.$el)` you need to add the class `preview-update` to your elements. PreviewObjectProvider ********************* The `PreviewObjectProvider` is the interface which will be used to load, bind and de/serialize the object. .. code-block:: php getId(); } public function setValues($object, $locale, array $data) { ... // bind data-array to the object } public function setContext($object, $locale, array $context) { ... // context change is for example a template change (e.g. in pages or articles) } public function serialize($object) { return serialize($object); } public function deserialize($serializedObject, $objectClass) { return unserialize($serializedObject); } } After registering a service with this class and the tag `` you should be able to see the live-preview in your form.