Running Sulu on Heroku ====================== `Heroku`_ enables programmers to run their applications in the cloud, and makes it really easy to scale your application if it follows some rules. There is a `Sulu cloud edition`_, which follows these rules. You will find a "Deploy to Heroku" button in the ```` file of the repository of the previously mentioned `Sulu cloud edition`_. This button leads to a Heroku page for deploying your very own Sulu installation. Give the application a name and choose between `Europe` and `United States` as a region, whatever is closer to your actual destination. This choice will also influence the performance of your website. Unless you really want to, you should leave the ``SYMFONY_ENV`` environment variable to ``prod``. Otherwise the buid process will fail, because Heroku installs the dependencies with ``composer install --no-dev``. If you change the environment to ``dev`` or ``test`` Sulu wil try to load some Symfony bundles, which are not installed, and therefore lead to an error during the build procedure. The other environment variable you have to set is ``DOMAIN``. Set it to whatever domain this installation should work on, e.g. ```` if you don't have your own DNS entry or to something like ````. For more details about working with Heroku you should check out the `Heroku Dev Center`_. .. _Heroku: .. _Sulu cloud edition: .. _Heroku Dev Center: