Context Reference

Behat matches sentences to methods in Context classes in order to execute things. For example the sentence I click on foo might map to the method DefaultContext#iClickFoo.

Context classes can be found in the namespace Sulu\Bundle\<BundleName>\Behat. Each one contains the logic which applies directly to the bundle it belongs to, as such you will probably never need all of them.

This chapter will outline the contexts which you will want to use frequently.


Bundle: SuluAdminBundle

This context contains all actions which apply to the backoffice, including all actions which apply to Husky components.

The following is not a fully comprehensive list:

  • I expect a success notification to appear: Wait and assert that a success notification will appear.

  • I expect a data grid to appear: Wait for and assert that a husky datagrid appears

  • I expect a form to appear: Wait for any <form/> to appear on the page.

  • I expect an overlay to appear: Wait and assert that an overlay appears on the page.

  • I click the tick button: Click the tick button in a dialog

  • I confirm: Confirm a dialog

  • I click the search icon: Click the search icon (.btn .fa-search)

  • I click the row containing ":text": Click on the husky table row containing “text”.

  • I select :value from the husky :name: Select the given value from a husky drop-down selector as identified by selector.

  • I fill in husky field ":name" with ":value": Fill in a husky field (husky fields do not have name elements preventing us from using the default mechanisim).

  • I click the button ":text": Click the button containing the text :text

  • I click toolbar item ":id": Click on the toolbar item with given id (also dropdown)

  • I expect the ":event" event: Wait for the named aura event

  • I expect the following events: Wait until all of the given events have been emitted.

  • There should be errors: Assert that there are errors on the page.

  • I wait for the ajax request: Wait until all underlying AJAX requests have finished.

  • I click the close icon: Click the close icon (.fa-times)

  • I click the close icon in container ":selector": Click the close icon (selector + ' .fa-times')

  • I wait for the column navigation column :index: Wait for the column navigation column with given id.

  • I expect a data-navigation to appear or I expect wait for data-navigation to appear: Wait and assert that a data-navigation will appear.

  • I expect an overlay to appear: Wait and assert that a overlay will appear.


Bundle: SuluContentBundle

You will use the content context frequently when testing content types.

  • there exists a page template ":name" with the following property configuration: Create a page template with a given content type configuration:

    Given there exists a page template "checkbox_page" with the following property configuration
    <property name="checkbox" type="checkbox">
            <title lang="de">Checkbox</title>
  • the following pages exist: Create pages from the given data, for example:

And the following pages exist:
    | template | url | title | parent | data |
    | article | /articles | Articles | | {"body": "This is article 1"} |
    | article | /articles/foo | Foo | /articles | {"body": "This is article Foo"} |
  • I am editing page of type :type: Create a simple page with the given type and go to that page:

Given I am editing a page of type "color_page"
  • I expect aura component ":type" to appear: Wait for the aura component to appear. Waits for a <div/> with the aura-instance-name property equal to the given name to appear and have more than zero children.


Bundle: SuluSecurityBundle

  • Given I am logged in as an administrator: Login to Sulu using admin/admin.


Bundle: SuluTestBundle

The Default context is the most used context and provides lots of “primitive” actions.

  • I click the selector ":selector": Click the element identified by the given CSS selector (will wait until it appears).

  • I click on "":selector" in ":container": Click the element identified by the given CSS selector container within a container CSS selector. (will wait until it appears).

  • pause: Pause the test forever – for debugging.

  • wait a second: Wait 1 second. If you use this you are a bad person.

  • I expect to see ":text". Wait until text appears and then assert that it did.

  • I expect to see ":count" ":text" elements. Wait until text appears and then assert that there are a specified number of them.

  • I fill in the selector :selector with :value: Set the value on elements identified by the given CSS selector.

  • Press enter on ":selector": Simulate an “enter” key being pressed on the given CSS selector.