Adding a theme

What is a theme

A theme defines the way the content from Sulu is presented on the website. In general it’s not more than a simple folder containing all the required twig templates, images, scripts, fonts and all the other assets you want to use in this specific theme.

You can have multiple themes in one Sulu installation. Every webspace can decide which theme to use, by a simple key in the webspace configuration file already described in Setup a Webspace. This means that it is also very easy to switch between different themes.

Create a theme

Creating a theme is as easy as creating a new folder in the Resources/themes/ folder of your bundle with the name of the new theme. Afterwards you have to fill this folder with all the used templates in the webspace. These templates go into another subfolder in your theme, which you have to reference later. We a recommend to name this folder templates. It is also recommended to create a folder views for more general templates, like the master template, an error page, etc., and a folder blocks for reusable templates, like the seo information.

For more concrete information about the structure of these templates you should check the Adding a template.

Enable the theme

For resolving the templates we are using the LiipThemeBundle, which requires you to register your themes. You can do that in your application configuration located at app/config/config.yml. Add the name of your theme folder to the following list:

    themes: ["default", "your-new-shiny-theme"]

Configure image formats

If you are using images, you probably also care about the available image formats. Sulu also supports you with that issue. You can define different image formats, which Sulu will then create for every uploaded image. This generation is based on your configuration. You can define the formats in the file Resources/themes/<theme>/config/image-formats.xml. Take a look at the following file for an example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<formats xmlns=""
                    <parameter name="x">640</parameter>
                    <parameter name="y">480</parameter>

With the format tag you are creating a new image format. You have to name this format, and create a list of commands to execute on it. The example will resize the uploaded image to the size defined with the two parameters.

The next table shows the standard commands available with its parameters.




x: the new width

y: the new height


x: the new width

y: the new height


x: x-coordinate of the startpoint

y: y-coordinate of the startpoint

w: the with of the new image

h: the height of the new image